Join Us For Our Wave 5 Trailblazer Briefing Event: How To Apply

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Race Equality Matters Trailblazers spotlights organisations that are implementing impactful solutions to drive race equality. The Trailblazer award was developed in partnership with those with lived experience. Organisations submit an application which is assessed by an independent panel of experts all of which have lived experience of race inequality in the workplace.

Wave 5 Applications are now open

During the event we heard:

  • From a successful REM Trailblazer
  • A Previous Judging Panellist
  • What we need to answer each of the questions
  • What evidence will support our application


This is an informative and interactive event with a 10-minute Q&A  to discuss how to effectively answer the questions within the applications and to showcase the work you are doing on the journey to tackling race inequality.


Trailblazer is more than an award and its purpose is to:

1. Identify what organisations are doing that is making a meaningful impact
2. Encourage organisations that are making an impact to keep the momentum going
3. Inspire other organisations to up their game

REM Trailblazer accreditation signals your organisation’s commitment to taking action on race inequality.

After the last Trailblazer Event 100% of attendees said they found going through the application questions helpful 

REM Trailblazer accreditation signals your organisation’s commitment to taking action on race inequality.

Trailblazer is more than an award and we look forward to sharing more information with you.

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