Launch of the Race Equality Week #MyNameIs Campaign

Location: Zoom

Categories: #MyNameIs

Tags: #launch event #REW 2021 #Transport for Wales Rail

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Watch the #MyNameIs Campaign Launch Event recording to find out more about this Race Equality Matters solution and how you can get involved. (Duration approx 38 mins)

Did you know?

At a recent event 73% of respondents from more than 100 organisations said they had their names mispronounced. They told us it made them feel ‘not valued or important’, ‘disrespected’ and ‘that they didn’t belong’.

88% thought a phonetic name spelling campaign would help tackle this and race inequality.

That is why we are calling on all organisations and companies to add phonetic spelling to their email signatures. Will you be one of the first 1000 to join this campaign and create more inclusion in the workplace?



During this event we heard:
· The impact of getting someone’s name wrong and why it is important to get someone’s name right
· About the #MyNameIs campaign and the solution to tackle this
· From organisations already adopting #MyNameIs

Together we can make a difference, be part of the impactful movement that ensures everyone feels valued and respected.

It’s time to get peoples names right. It’s time for action not just words.

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