Proud My name is logo on orange background


Be part of the movement.

How to get involved:

  1. Add your phonetic pronunciation to your email signature.
  2. Encourage colleagues, employees, and networks to put the pronunciation of their names on their email.
  3. Add phonetic options to all communication channels e.g., meetings, social media, name badges etc.


Starting steps:

  1. Make your organisational pledge to implement #MyNameIs below.
  2. Download the ‘proud to be part of the change’ logo
  3. Display the logo
  4. Encourage individuals and colleagues to download the social media icon


We are delighted to have you join our global community of organisations collaborating with this united purpose.

Race Equality Matters will include your organisation in the #mynameis roll of honour and provide you with access to other collaborators, resources, support and events.

My Name Is Pledge

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